Predicting Sport Outcomes Using Astrology

Predicting Sport Outcomes Using Astrology

By Alphee Lavoie *
Published on the web 9/3/2011

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Rulerships That Should Make The Home Team A Winner

The ruler of the 1st house applying to the 7th house cusp.

The ruler of the 1st house  applying to the 4th house cusp.

The ruler of the 4th house in the 1st house

The ruler of the 7th house in the 1st house.

The ruler of the 10th house applying to the 7th house cusp.

The ruler of the 10th house applying to the 4th house cusp.

The ruler of the 7th house and the 10th house.

The ruler of the 4th in the 10th house.

The ruler of the 1st conjuncting the 10th house cusp.

The ruler of the 10th conjuncting the 1st house cusp.

I took the above 10 rulerships and ran them using Super Search against a database of 4294 at home wins to determine which occur OFTEN and SELDOM.  This is the result.

Astrological Criteria Chi-Square    Probability Often / Seldom
Rulerships that support home team to win
Ruler of the midheaven conjunct the 10th house cusp 12.7 100% Often
Ruler of the ascendant conjunct the 4th house cusp 6.7 99.1% Often
Ruler of the MC in the 10th house 4.8 97.2% Often
Ruler of the ascendant in the midheaven 11.4 99.9% Often
Ruler of the seventh house in the 10th house 3.5 94% Often
Rulerships that fail to support home team to win
Ruler of the ascendant conjunct the descendent 9.6 99.8% Seldom
Ruler of the ascendant in the first house 6.1 98.7% Seldom
Rulerships that were not important
Ruler of the first in the seventh house
Ruler of the 10th conjunct the seventh house cusp
Ruler of the first house on seventh house cusp

I then took the 5 OFTEN OCCURRING criteria for at home wins that were generated by Super Search and ran them in Fast Research and ran them through that same database.  There were 1195 charts that have at least one of those criteria. (27.8%)

Next I took the same OFTEN OCCURRING criteria for at home wins and ran them in Fast Research by AIR Software through a database with 5200 at home losses. There were 1367 charts that had at least one of those criteria. (26.2%)

As you can see, we get similar results with these criteria for both at home wins and at home losses. This reaffirms that these particular house rulerships do not work to predict the outcome of sporting events.

* Founder of AIR Software and of The Astroinvestigators

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